While we were waiting to go in to the show, Andy went into the gift shop and bought me a Dancing With The Stars sweatshirt! It was very sweet of him since he knows that I just love that show and it is very comfy and warm!
So after the taping of the show we all went to Wood Ranch for a yummy birthday dinner.
Then we headed out to the cupcake store... only to find out that while we were at The Price is Right, Wonderland Bakery was in the middle of a dispute with the property management company and they were no longer at this location! Can you believe that??? In the few hours that were were gone they had moved out, blackened the windows and had a security guard stationed in front of the store. We were all disappointed that we weren't going to have a cupcake for dessert and I wasn't going to get any of their cute ceramic items... Oh well.....
On Friday night Barry, Andy, Kristi, Rich, Sarah, Mom and I went to Hibachi Steak house for dinner. Mom gave me a gift card for Amazon, which will be perfect to help keep my kindle full of good reading... Kristi, Rich and Sarah gave me a mouse for the new laptop computer that Barry ordered for me and is due to arrive any day now!!! Yeah, I can't wait.
Well, Kristi had another surprise for me also... She had gone to the Wonderland Bakery website and ordered these for me... What a surprise and I can't wait until they arrive.

This was one of the best birthday's I have had in a very long time... I guess it is ok to get older. Thanks everyone for helping to make it a special birthday!